Untruths at heart of CCTV cell tower debacle

The Maxwell Avenue tower is in a poor position for a TV camera

EDITOR – It is evident that we are not being told the truth, with regards to the front page article headlined ‘City CCTV poles double as cell towers’.

The Maxwell Avenue tower is in a poor position for a TV camera, as it is a) too high for this location; b) it has trees in the park around it and in the road which would screen its view; and c) the adjacent road has bends close by on both sides, thus limiting its view and effectiveness.

The tower at the intersection of Tara and Grays Inn roads already had two camera poles, fitted with cameras for some years; so the new tall concrete tower is superfluous. Due to its extreme height, it will not be as effective as the existing two either.

These towers are more effective for cell phone antennae.

Why was this not stated to the public in the first place?


Brighton Beach

Ed’s note: Comment and clarity on your question has been sought and is still awaited from the Ethekwini Municipality spokesman, Tozi Mthethwa.

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