
Bouquet for outgoing Bluff councillor

We will miss you and can only hope your remark about the Bluff going from bad to worse environmental-wise doesn't happen.

EDITOR – Duncan du Bois, we thank you most sincerely for all you have achieved and for the many arguments put forward to the Durban city council (some in vain!) for our Bluff community over the years.

We have been helped personally in many of our quests by you as our councillor.

Our phone calls and emails were always promptly answered, our complaints and problems heard and sorted efficiently and as quickly as possible.

Those social media critics you refer to in your letterĀ  indeed show abysmal ignorance of how hard you have worked for the residents of the Bluff.

We will miss you and can only hope your remark about the Bluff going from bad to worse environmental-wise doesn’t happen. Here’s hoping our next councillor lives up to your high standards of keeping the Bluff a safe and environmentally friendly area.

Thank you, Duncan.


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