
NOTICE Nkomazi Local Municipality

Notice is hereby given in terms of chapter 6 of the Nkomazi Local Municpality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law, 2015

I, Mr Mzwokuthula Hlungwane, 941214 5383 087 of MPYL Urban Planning Consultants have submitted an application to Nkomazi Local Municipality on behalf of Tondzi Trading Enterprise in terms of Section 77 of the Nkomazi Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law 2015, read with the provisions of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (Act 16 Of 2013) for the Traditional Consent on a Portion of The Farm Gemsbok 505 JU for the purpose a `Petrol Filling Station`.

The particulars of the application are available for inspection from the date of this notice and any objections and representations can be submitted to Nkomazi Local Munipality during normal working hours. Representations may be addressed to ms. Nokwanda Nkosi at Land Use Control and Forward Planning Section at – no. 9 Park Street, Malelane. Tel 013- 790- 0245. Representations may also be addressed to the applicant at mpylurbanplanning@outlook.com or tel. 067- 062-6218.

Reference Number: TA014759

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