


We, Nuplan Development Planners CC, have lodged a land development application (Reference N15/10) in terms of Sections 62 and 63 of the Nkomazi Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2015, for the removal of restrictive title conditions and simultaneous rezoning of Erf 1840, Marloth Park Holiday Township from “Residential Zone 1” to “Tourism” for a “Lodge” “Dwelling Unit” and “Tourism Accommodation” to allow for a tourism related accommodation and self-catering purposes.

A copy of the application and supporting documentation is available for viewing during normal office hours at the Office of the Senior Manager: Land Use Management, 9 Park Street, Malalane, 1320, at the following contact number: 013-790-0245, for 30 days from 11 July 2024. Written comments or objections together with reasons therefore in respect of the application must be submitted, in the prescribed format, to: the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X 101, Malalane, 1320;

or delivered, 9 Park Street, Malalane; or faxed to

013-790- 0886; or emailed to: Jan.Mashele@nkomazi.gov.za not later than 12 August 2024. The format for the comments or objections is available from the office of the Senior Manager: Land Use management at the above- mentioned address or on the municipality`s website (www.nkomazi.gov.za). Any person who cannot read or write may consult with any staff member of the office of the Senior Manager: Land Use Management Section during office hours and assistance will be given to transcribe that person`s objections or comments.

Address of agent: Nuplan Development Planners CC,

P.O. Box 2555, Nelspruit, 1200.

Tel: 013-752-3422,

Fax: 013-752-5795,

Email: admin@nuplan.co.za.

Our Ref.: ASN-WS-025

Reference Number: TA014739

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