Trauma bear donations bring solace for abuse victims

Brighton Beach Police communications officer Louise le Roux explained how the trauma bears provide comfort and solace to children during various stages of their recovery process, including interviews, medical examinations, trauma counselling and court proceedings.

IN a genuine gesture aimed at aiding child victims of trauma, retired teacher Carol Vorster generously donated a consignment of trauma bears to the Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit on April 15.

These bears, adorned in multiple colours, will serve as invaluable companions to children navigating the difficult journey of healing from traumatic experiences.

Also read: WATCH: Victims support facility to bring hope, comfort to survivors

Vorster’s initiative comes at a significant time, as April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Captain Louise le Roux, Brighton Beach Police communications officer, emphasised the importance of the trauma bears in providing comfort and solace to children during various stages of their recovery process, including interviews, medical examinations, trauma counselling and court proceedings.

Le Roux expressed deep gratitude for Vorster’s ongoing partnership and commitment to supporting victims of crime. “Her trauma bears are also utilised during victim support programmes hosted by the station’s corporate communications and liaison officer, which supports victims of school bullying and domestic violence,” said Le Roux.

The Brighton Beach Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit is a specialised unit that provides a service to six police stations within the eThekwini District, including Cato Manor, Mayville, Montclair, Umbilo and Wentworth.

Le Roux highlighted the ongoing collaborative effort between Vorster and the police, exemplifying the power of community support in achieving strategic objectives.

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