Public warned of heatwave

With temperatures soaring in KwaZulu-Natal today, the spokesperson for ALS Paramedics urges people to stay hydrated.

THE public has been cautioned to take all necessary precautions to stay safe in the heatwave which is expected to peak today (March 12).

Also read: 6 ways to protect yourself from a heatwave

Garrith Jamieson of ALS Paramedics said it is mostly the very young and the elderly who fall victim to dehydration quickly.

“With many schools with sports activities taking place, we urge all teachers and parents to please ensure adequate hydration is available for all participating. Make sure the very young and the elderly, as well as pets, maintain a cool temperature,” said Jamieson.

Classic signs of heat stroke/exhaustion can be:

“Should you present with any of these signs, please call an ambulance or seek medical help,” he said.

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