Kenmont principal bids farewell after 25 years

Zelda Dempers will embark on a new journey in her life as she and her family relocate to Australia.

AFTER 25 years of dedicated service and exemplary leadership, principal Zelda Dempers bids a fond farewell to Kenmont School as she steps down from her role upon retirement.

The news of her departure has stirred a mix of emotions among staff, learners and parents, marking the close of a distinguished chapter for the esteemed institution. Zelda, renowned for her steadfast commitment to the school’s mission and principles, has left an indelible imprint on Kenmont School.

Also read: New principal reels in digital age at Kenmont School

Her tenure culminates as she and her family prepare to relocate to Australia. Reflecting on her departure, Zelda said, “I would have loved to continue my service at Kenmont until age 65, but I believe that a new journey has been laid out for me.”

Over the years, Zelda not only served as an educational leader but also as a mentor, nurturing the professional growth of numerous teachers and staff members. Her forward-thinking leadership propelled Kenmont School to unprecedented heights, garnering recognition for its academic accomplishments and positive community impact.

“Some of the things I am proud of achieving include setting up the Online Education TEAMS portal from home which provides learners with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the digital space. In 2019, we opened a technical occupational unit, offering wholesale and retail, office administration and hospitality studies. This provides vocational training at local businesses. I introduced ‘The Kindness Can’ as the symbol of generosity and service to others, and I enjoyed motivating learners and getting them involved in the kindness campaign and charity drives,” shared Zelda.

As Zelda embarks on this new chapter, she carries with her the profound gratitude and warm wishes of the entire Kenmont School community and The Bluff. Her legacy will endure, serving as a beacon of inspiration for generations of learners and teachers, shaping the school’s future for years to come.

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