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From fitness to social life, cricket has it all

The captain of Harlequins Cricket Club’s second team advises other cricketers to never give up.

FOR cricketer Seth Overweg, the team sport has many benefits, including a great escape from the challenges of everyday life.

“What I enjoy most about spending time on the field is that it allows me to get away from everyday drama; it is almost a distraction from one’s normal day-to-day life. I also enjoy being out on the field on a sunny day as it always brings about a good feeling. After an intense match, I enjoy relaxing with my teammates,” he said.

The 22-year-old, who lives on The Bluff, is the Harlequins Cricket Club’s second-team captain and a middle-order batsman.

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Overweg said he was excited to get back out on the field, with the team’s first matches for the season expected to kick off in early October. “My goals for this season are to perform to my best ability and get the team to the number one spot,” he said.

Overweg, who joined the team about three years ago, said there were great benefits to playing cricket. “It teaches you to have good hand-eye coordination and team and social skills, and it allows you an opportunity to de-stress.

“However, a cricket player should be able to concentrate for long periods of time. You need to also be mentally strong and mentally fit. Fitness is also key, especially when you have an upcoming match. We generally train during the week and the night before a game. It’s also nice to mentally prepare, such as playing the game in your mind and thinking of how you would handle different situations,” he said.

Overweg, who works for an insurance company, said that like with any sport, there are challenges.

“One of the biggest challenges would probably be the weather, but that is obviously out of our control. But, on a personal note, I would say one of the greatest challenges is when you sustain an injury. However, to overcome an injury, I just strengthen those areas and do the rehab required,” he said.

He added that, however, with challenges, there are also successes.

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“My biggest highlight so far would be when I scored my century when I played for my current team in 2019. I also consider the friendships that I have built throughout my journey while playing cricket to be a highlight,” he said.

Overweg said he was inspired by former South African cricketer AB de Villiers. “He just did whatever his team needed, and he always did it to the best of his ability. I aim to do the same,” he said.

Overweg said his plan for the future is to join the club’s first team. “However, my hope as the second-team captain is to lead the side into winning leagues in seasons to come,” he said.

“I have always said this to myself and others, that no matter how hard a situation may get, or even when you lose your form, just trust the process and keep moving forward. Remember, two steps forward and one step back is still one step in the right direction,” he said.

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