Wentworth mom killed during shooting spree

It is alleged that the man shot three people in Wentworth, hijacked a vehicle in Greenwood Park and drove back to Wentworth, then shot himself.

THREE Wentworth children are struggling to cope with the loss of their mother, who was shot and killed during a brazen shooting spree on Woodville Road.

The shooter, identified as Jose Craig Ogle, aimed at and shot Shanice Tamaine Smith, Romano Pienaar and Ronald Majority, before he turned the gun on himself a short while later, on July 2.

Police say Jose Craig Ogle shot himself in full view of officers and the public.

Smith’s relative, Shantal Shabba Majority, said when they heard gunshots, Shanice was among a few others in their family who ran out as Shanice’s son was on the road at the time.

“When Shanice and her mom got outside, Romano and Ronald had already been shot. Jose then pointed the gun at Shanice’s mother, but she managed to dodge the bullet and ran inside the house. He then pointed the gun at Shanice and pulled the trigger.

“A bullet struck her in the mouth. We rushed her to hospital, but she was already dead. We are bitter, angry and devastated at her gruesome death. My uncle, Ronald, was struck on his face and the bullet is still lodged in the cheek,” Shantal said.

According to KZN police’s eThekwini District communications officer, Captain Carmen Rhynes, at about 13:45, Ogle, 41, began his rampage at Woodville Road.

“He drove past Woodville Road and fired several shots. He then got out of his vehicle and fired two more rounds. Three people were shot and rushed to Wentworth Hospital, where a 30-year-old woman succumbed to her injuries,” Rynes said.

The two men from the area who were also shot had survived and are in a stable condition. After Ogle opened fire, he fled the scene and was spotted in the Springfield Park area.

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“He allegedly then hijacked a vehicle in Greenwood Park and drove back to Wentworth, where he abandoned the vehicle. He then fled on foot back to Major Calvert Road, where Metro Police were standing off.

“On seeing the police, he put his firearm to his head and shot himself. The motive for the shooting is unknown,” added Rhynes.

Ward councillor for the area, Aubrey Snyman said, “It’s very sad that we have to experience such trauma and stress on a daily basis, where senseless shootings are taking place. Innocent people are being shot and killed and in some cases even injured from stray bullets, which is unacceptable. We have lost many lives. This issue has been ongoing for many years and we have lost both young and old residents to gun violence.

ALSO READ: Young man killed in drive-by shooting laid to rest

“Authorities are well aware of the situation, but sadly have not done much to curb the crime and violence creating havoc in ward 68. Government needs to provide extra reinforcement or send the army if they don’t have extra police officers to man the area.

“How many more people have to lose their lives before authorities come to our rescue?” Snyman added.

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