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Learner sails her way to earn white blazer

Nosipho Chiliza, a Grade 12 learner at Mowat Park High School will be competing in the MSC  Week 'All Around the World' open water race this week.

SAILING enthusiast, Nosipho Chiliza, is all geared up compete in the MSC  Week ‘All Around the World’ open water race from July 3 to 7.

The Grade 12 learner at Mowat Park High School, said while she was looking forward to the race, she was excited that she would be the first to receive a white honours blazer for the water sport once she returned to school.

“I am very proud of myself and to be the first learner to receive a white blazer for sailing at our school.”

The 16-year-old said she first joined the school’s sailing team in Grade 9, and has since earned her full colours.

“While it is a great accomplishment, I knew that I could achieve more. Unfortunately, with it being my matric year, we are not able to continue with sailing at the school and I was only able to reach level 3.

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“However, I was given the opportunity to train and compete for Sail Africa, who are the sponsors for the school’s team. Sail Africa, which is a non-profit organisation aims to promote sailing for all school going children. They recently informed me that I was selected to compete in the race, which is really exciting. I hope to make everyone that has supported me proud,” she said.

Nosipho said she was inspired by her aunt to take up the extra-mural activity at school.

“My aunt does sailing and when she told me about it and her experience, I found it to be very interesting and thought I should try it out. It has been an amazing opportunity to compete in races while sailing a keelboat.

“While you sometimes get hurt and risk falling out of the boat, the experience outweighs the risks. I get an adrenaline rush, and enjoy the feeling of the wind against my face. I would love to continue to sail as I get older, but for now and while I can, I want to put my school’s name as well as my own, on the map, “she said.

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