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Lady ‘Quins captain aims to take team to the top

De Bruin said she was approached by the club’s manager, who had asked her if she would be keen to join a women’s rugby team.

HOPING to lead her team to greater heights, is one of Lady Quins’ rugby team’s captains, Sjade de Bruin’s goals.
The 34-year-old,who resides on the Bluff, joined the team, which is part of the Harlequins Sports Club in November last year.

De Bruin, who plays outside center for the team, said she had initially been attending Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training at the club. “I had started MMA training in 2020, however, not with the intention of competing, but just because I liked the style of training. I enjoyed the intensity of it, and I like to push myself. My coach had also got me into functional training and running.

“I never liked running, as I was more of a swimmer from a young age, especially at school and won many awards. However, overtime I became quite fit and I loved it,” she said.
De Bruin said she was approached by the club’s manager, who had asked her if she would be keen to join a women’s rugby team.

“In November last year, while leaving one of the MMA training sessions, she approached me. She said they were having a meeting that evening, and were looking to start a women’s rugby team, and wanted to know if I would be interested.
“I spoke to my dad, who is a rugby enthusiast and he encouraged me to try it out. So I attend and signed up. I had never played rugby before so everything was new to me, and I had to learn the sport, but in the past year I have grown to love being on the field.

ALSO READ: Southlands Sun 18 November 2022

“There is this unexplainable adrenalin rush that you experience, from the moment you walk onto the field, and go head-to-head with your opponent,” she said.
De Bruin said there were challenges at the onset, such as her ball skills.

“The ball which is used in rugby is different to the ones used in other sports, so getting the grip of the ball right and then sprinting with it was quite a challenge, but I am getting better at it,” she said.
De Bruin said she trained everyday and while fitness is important, passion and determination is key.
The mother of two, Jotham, 8, and Saskia, 6, said her children are her biggest supporters.

She said her goal was to grow with her team.

“Many of us are still new to the sport, and we are still learning, but we aim to build our team and hopefully be able to play nationally one day.”
De Bruin encouraged women to try out for the team.

“Many are fearful of being hurt due to it being quite an intense contact sport, however, when you on the field and experience the joy it brings, you will think it is probably the best decision you made,” she said.
Women interested in joining the team, can attend one of their training sessions on Monday and Wednesday at the club situated at 50 Garcin Place on the Bluff.

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