Brighton Beach police seek assistance in rape case

A 22-year-old woman was gang-raped and robbed after boarding a taxi to Mayville.

DETECTIVES at the Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit are appealing to members of the community for assistance with regard to the whereabouts of a man who may be able to assist in a rape case.

Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala, a provincial police spokesperson, said that a 22-year-old female was sexually assaulted by two men while she was in a taxi on her way to Mayville on July 15 this year, at 20:00.

“The victim said that when she reached Mayville, the driver and his assistant refused to drop her off and threatened her with a firearm and knife. They then drove to the Cato Manor sports ground where they gang-raped and robbed her of her money and cellphone,” Gwala said.

ALSO READ: 15-year conviction for Brighton Beach rapist

Gwala said charges of rape and robbery were opened at the Cato Manor police station, and the docket was transferred to the Brighton Beach FSC Unit for further investigation.

“We are appealing to anyone with information that can be of assistance in the investigation to come forward,” she said.

ALSO READ: Rapist sought by Brighton Beach’s FCS Unit

If you have any information, contact Detective Sergeant Samantha Fynn on 082 418 1264 or Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Members of the community may also communicate information via the MYSAPS APP.

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