A masquerade of self-discovery and celebration

Project Lion/Lioness Unchained Memories Inc hosted a dazzling masquerade ball to encourage women to shed the masks they wear.

A LIVELY masquerade ball hosted by Project Lion/Lioness Unchained Memories Inc (PLLUM) brought a vibrant end to Women’s Month celebrations at the Abbaquar San-Dream Centre on August 31.

Also read: PLLUM awards shine light on community heroes

The evening was centred around themes of unmasking, self-discovery and celebration. Wendy Conner, the founder of PLLUM, shared the significance of the event, highlighting it as a chance for women to embrace their true selves.

“In our daily lives, we often wear various masks to fit in with our colleagues, families and friends. We conform to what others expect us to be, and as a result, we rarely live up to our full potential,” Conner explained.

Eleanor Stoffels puts on her glam for the PLLUM masquerade ball.

The masquerade theme served as a powerful symbol of the societal pressures that compel women to conceal their authentic selves. Conner envisioned the event as a celebration of shedding these masks and embracing authenticity.

Throughout the night, guests enjoyed a range of entertainment. “We had a fuller-figure modelling competition that brought joy and laughter to the crowd, an inspiring speech by Chieftess Olivia Jones, and a motivational address by Denise Greeves, who encouraged women to drop their masks,” Conner said.

A symbolic moment came when attendees removed their masquerade masks, revealing their true beauty.

Tanya Kershaw shows off her mask and elegant dress at the ball.

Entertainment was further enhanced by performer Chanelle Delpaul, whose soulful performance added a special touch to the evening. The event also served as a fundraiser for the upcoming PLLUM Community Hero Awards, which will take place at the Playhouse Theatre next year.

Reflecting on the event’s success, Conner noted, “The night was a hit; the women had a fantastic time and stayed until the end, with many asking when the next event will be held. I always say that time is one of the most valuable assets we have. It’s important that we spend it in ways that enrich us. I can confidently say that the time we spent together was truly priceless.”

The masquerade ball by PLLUM was a celebration of authenticity, reminding women of the power and joy of embracing their true selves.

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