Donate books – turn the page for hope

The second-hand books collected can be distributed to help change the lives of many of the Street Lit vendors from the Denis Hurley Centre.

THE Denis Hurley Centre in Durban is observing Mandela Day with a meaningful initiative: a month-long book drive aimed at collecting 10 052 good quality second-hand books.

Also read: WATCH: Bluff residents unite for Mandela Day initiative

This number symbolises each day Nelson Mandela spent in prison, reflecting resilience and hope. The collected books will support Street Lit, an entrepreneurial programme in Durban that empowers homeless and formerly homeless individuals, such as Vusi Meyiwa from Wentworth, by enabling them to earn a living through book sales.

For vendors like Meyiwa, who operates from The Bluff Towers, Street Lit has been transformative, providing financial stability and renewed purpose over three years. Meyiwa values the opportunity to engage with people from diverse backgrounds through selling books.

Illa Thompson, the project facilitator, underscores the need for a consistent supply of quality books to support the growing number of Street Lit vendors and apprentices. This initiative not only aids vendors financially but also promotes community and personal growth through literature.

To facilitate donations, multiple churches across Durban, including NG Kerk Durban Oos on Old Mission Road, The Bluff, are serving as drop-off points. They are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:00 to noon, welcoming contributions to support this impactful cause.

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