Scavenging for fun: Sodurba’s rally makes a splash

Festivities for the Welcoming of the Whales festival kicked off with a scavenger hunt car rally. The hunt took teams on an adventure around The Bluff visiting all the well-known landmarks that make up the community.

SODURBA, the Community Tourism Organisation for the South Durban Basin, set the stage for its highly anticipated Welcoming of the Whales Festival with a vibrant car rally scavenger hunt on June 23.

Also read: Public invited to welcoming of whales festival

This event, designed to showcase local hospitality and tourism enterprises, marked the beginning of festivities aimed at celebrating the region’s rich cultural and natural heritage.

Andrew Easson takes on the challenge for his team and tries to shake all the sweets out the box.

Cheryl Waterman, secretary of Sodurba, expressed excitement about the successful launch of the festival’s first event. “The scavenger hunt was a fantastic way to engage both residents and visitors alike, highlighting the diverse attractions our community has to offer,” she remarked.

The rally, themed ‘Under the Sea’, attracted participants who enthusiastically adorned costumes and embarked on a journey filled with cryptic clues, puzzles and interactive games. Teams from across the region explored various local landmarks, strengthening community ties and discovering the hidden gems of South Durban.

 “We recognise the pivotal role of local businesses in bolstering community events,” Waterman emphasised. “Their sponsorship not only ensures the event’s financial viability but also enhances its quality and impact.”

Sodurba members Helga Du Preez and Amanda Janse Van Rensburg.

Reflecting on the broader significance of such initiatives, Waterman highlighted the symbiotic relationship between tourism and local businesses. “Events like these not only stimulate economic growth but also foster community spirit and promote our cultural heritage,” she added.

Sodurba, guided by a mission to cultivate a sustainable and inclusive tourism sector, aims to leverage such events to benefit both residents and visitors. The Welcoming of the Whales Festival, slated for June 29 at Anstey’s Beach, promises to further enrich the community by showcasing local talent, promoting environmental stewardship and enhancing overall quality of life.

Ineshan Muthu does the next activity for his team to clear the pit stop.

With free admission and a day filled with activities for all ages, the festival invites everyone to join in celebrating South Durban’s natural wonders and vibrant culture.

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