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Parents and caregivers empowered by workshop

BADFT, in collaboration with ELET, hosted a workshop for parents and caregivers of children who are struggling with addictions.

BAFDT hosted a successful workshop at the Wow Centre in Wentworth on June 13, drawing a crowd of enthusiastic parents and caregivers eager to learn.

Also read: BAFDT encourages community to get help through their support group

Spearheaded by Audrey Anderson, the founder of BAFDT, the event focused on empowering attendees with tools to protect children and promote healthier parenting practices, aiming to prevent various forms of abuse.

BAFDT founder Audrey Anderson speaks to the attendees with the assistance of ELET facilitator Maureen Liphoko. Photo: Dillon Pillay.

Anderson underscored the importance of creating nurturing environments and discussed strategies to address harmful parental behaviours. The workshop, held in collaboration with the Environmental Language and Education Trust (ELET), featured sessions led by ELET facilitators like Alungile Phungula. Phungula covered essential topics, such as fostering healthy family dynamics, understanding trauma, implementing positive discipline techniques and ensuring child safety.

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged actively, sharing their own experiences and benefiting from mutual support. They departed with newfound insights and practical strategies to cultivate safe and supportive homes for their children.

Reflecting on the event, Anderson expressed satisfaction with achieving her objectives while Phungula noted positive feedback from participants regarding the relevance and applicability of the workshop content.

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