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Police arrest suspect for possession of unlicensed firearm

The suspect was found with 75 copper-tip rounds and 33 special live rounds for a 38 Pistol in his possession.

POLICE in Wentworth arrested a suspect during a recent sting operation on Hime Street for unlawful possession of an unlicensed firearm. Captain Mbuso Gumede, spokesperson for the Wentworth police, disclosed that the arrest followed actionable intelligence received about the suspect’s possession of illegal firearms in the area.

Also read: Wentworth police succeed in drug arrest

“The Vispol team, acting on intelligence regarding possible firearms and ammunition at the location, proceeded to conduct a thorough search,” said Gumede.

“Upon entering the flat, officers asked the suspect to declare any illicit items within. The suspect voluntarily led them to his bedroom, where he retrieved a black shoulder bag containing 100 9mm live rounds in their original packaging from his wardrobe. Subsequently, he produced a blue plastic packet from another drawer, containing 75 9mm short copper-tip rounds and a total of 33 special live rounds for a 38 Pistol. Additionally, during the search, officers discovered 1 014 empty red-and-white capsules, suspected to be drug-packaging materials, further implicating the suspect.

“The suspect was promptly arrested and transported to Wentworth Police Station, where he remains in custody awaiting further legal proceedings. The seized items will undergo ballistic examination as part of the ongoing investigation,” Gumede added.

Police confiscated live rounds of ammunition in Wentworth. Photo: Supplied.

Station commander Colonel Sinayo Mtshali commended the swift and diligent action of the arresting officers, emphasising the collaborative effort that resulted in the successful apprehension of the suspect.

“This operation underscores our commitment to ensuring the safety of the Wentworth community by removing illegal firearms, ammunition and drugs from circulation,” noted Colonel Mtshali.

The suspect is expected to appear at the Durban Magistrate’s Court soon.

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