Wentworth police succeed in drug arrest

Police appeal to the public to play a proactive role in the fight against drugs and to report any criminal activities to the police.

IN a proactive move against drug-related activities, members of the Wentworth Vispol unit arrested an 18-year-old teenager for possession of narcotics on June 7. The arrest took place at the intersection of Woodville Road and Major Calvert Road.

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The police spokesperson for Wentworth, Captain Mbuso Gumede, said that during a routine patrol along the intersection of Woodville Road and Major Calvert Road, officers from the Wentworth Police Station noticed the suspects behaving suspiciously.

“Reacting swiftly, they halted their state vehicle and approached the suspects. Despite the suspects attempting to evade capture by fleeing in different directions, officers pursued on foot and apprehended one suspect.


One suspect was arrested in Wentworth for possession of drugs. Photo: Supplied

“Upon conducting a search, the police discovered a significant cache of narcotics in the possession of the suspect. The findings included 18 green-and-white heroin capsules and one and a half tablets of mandrax. Additionally, a sum of R105 in cash, believed to be the proceeds from drug-related activities, was seized. Consequently, the suspect was arrested and charged accordingly.”

The suspect was charged with possession of mandrax and heroin.

“The successful operation highlights the dedication and vigilance of the Wentworth Police in combating illicit drug trade within the community. Such decisive actions underscore law enforcement’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of residents, as well as their unwavering resolve to uphold justice,” Gumede added.

Gumede appealed to the public to report any criminal activities to the police. The suspect is expected to appear at the Wentworth Magistrate’s Court today (June 10).

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