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Residents prepare for another eight-hour water shutdown

The planned water restriction is expected to start today (May 31) at 09:00 and continue until 17:00.

RESIDENTS are informed of water restrictions due to work that will be undertaken at the Wiggins Water Treatment Works High Lift Pumpstation (HLPS).

According to eThekwini Municipality, uMngeni-uThukela Water will implement an eight-hour shutdown on the Wiggins pumping system today (May 31). This is to reinstate a full set of rehabilitated equipment on the bulk distribution pumps. The shutdown will commence from 09:00 and continue until 17:00.

Also read: Wiggins pumping system faces planned water restrictions

“Affected reservoirs will be filled prior to the shutdown of the High Lift Pump Station (HLPS). Outlets will remain open for most reservoirs for the duration of the shutdown. However, this excludes the Ridgeview Reservoir which will be shut down due to additional work that has to be carried out while the HLPS is shut,” said the statement.

Residents are urged to use water sparingly to avoid depletion of reservoirs as this may lead to the shutdown of outlets. This action will only be taken if consumption demands are high and reservoir levels drop too rapidly during this period.

Areas affected by the shutdown include:

  • Woodlands 1 & 2: Austerville, Montclair, Sea View, Wentworth, Woodlands and Yellowwood Park.
  • Lamontville Reservoir: Mobeni, Mobeni Heights, Prospecton Industrial, uMlazi V and uMlazi Mission A.
  • Mobeni Reservoir: Durban Airport, Isipingo Beach, Jacobs, Merebank East, Merewent, Mobeni West and Reunion.

For more information regarding water supply, members of the public can download eThekwini Municipality’s Mobile App to log faults or send a WhatsApp to 073 1483 477. Alternatively, call the toll-free number 080 311 1111 or email Eservices@durban.gov.za.

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