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Child Protection Week: Protect children today, tomorrow and always

Throughout the month, various initiatives and campaigns have been underway to raise awareness of the importance of protecting children.

AS Child Protection Week unfolds across South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal emerges as a focal point in the nation’s commitment to safeguarding children’s rights and well-being. Child Protection Week is commemorated in the country from May 28 to June 4 in a bid to raise awareness on children’s rights.

Also read: Child Protection Week: Organisation to march for harsher sentences against rapists

This annual observance serves as a serious reminder of the community’s obligation to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for all children.

Throughout the month, various initiatives and campaigns have been underway to raise awareness of the importance of protecting children from abuse, neglect and exploitation. From grassroots organisations to government agencies, stakeholders are uniting to address the multifaceted challenges facing children in the province.

Principal of the Little David Educare Centre in Wentworth, Pearl Windvogel, said, “We, as teachers and caregivers, are profoundly dismayed and visibly shaken by the escalating incidents of individuals, including children, disappearing. The scourge of human trafficking is burgeoning, and our nation has been awakened to this grim reality. It behoves community leaders to convene regular meetings with parents or guardians to instil awareness. For instance, children ought not to be allowed to venture to the market or school unaccompanied. Parents and guardians must maintain a constant vigilant attitude over their children’s whereabouts and behavioural patterns.”

She urged parents to thoroughly verify the legitimacy of any childcare establishment before entrusting their children to any crèche’s care.

“Primarily, it is imperative to ascertain the school’s accreditation status. Additionally, the completion of requisite documentation, such as Sections 29 and 30 forms (pertaining to police clearance), is indispensable. Furthermore, meticulous scrutiny of the environment is essential to ensure the safety of your child.

Also read: Government calls on all South Africans to support Child Protection Week

“The imperative of child protection cannot be overstated, given the inherent vulnerability of children to external influences. Adults must adopt a stance of vigilant guardianship over children,” she said.

She stressed the importance of early childhood development as it lays the cornerstone for enduring patterns of learning, behaviour and health.

“Children need a nurturing environment where they can thrive and receive attentive monitoring, especially when confronting challenges like speech impediments, hearing impairments, visual deficiencies and other developmental hurdles, warranting early intervention. Children are precious gifts deserving of utmost care and reverence,” she added.

As the month progresses, momentum is building to translate this awareness into permanent action and create lasting change for the most vulnerable members of society. Beyond the confines of May, the commitment to child protection remains steadfast, with ongoing efforts to build a future where every child in KwaZulu-Natal can thrive in safety and dignity.

She added, “We conduct a comprehensive programme for children, dedicating an entire week to dialogue that addresses their rights, distinguishes between positive and negative interactions, and equips them with strategies to assert themselves when faced with uncomfortable situations. We also collaborate with social workers who deliver informative sessions to the children. Moreover, we organise placard demonstrations in front of the school, inviting stakeholders, such as law enforcement agencies, victim support organisations, child welfare agencies and parents, to participate.”

Meanwhile, the Minister for Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, urged the public to unite in advancing child protection. In her address during the launch of Child Protection Month in Durban earlier this month, she said Child Protection Month served as a critical reminder of the community’s duty to safeguard the rights and welfare of children.

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