Brighton Beach Police announce Beanie Project

Brighton Beach Police are encouraging the community, businesses and schools to come on board and help make beanies for vulnerable children. Donations of wool are also welcome.

IN a heartening initiative aimed at fostering community spirit and providing warmth to those in need, the Brighton Beach Police, led by Captain Louise le Roux, has launched the Beanie Project.

This endeavour serves multiple purposes, with its primary goal being to unite community members of all ages, from the elderly to the youth, as well as educational institutions, businesses and policing partners through a collective outreach effort.

Also read: Brighton Beach SAPS organises Back to School Safety Programme for Grade Eights

At the heart of the Beanie Project lies the age-old skill of knitting and crocheting. Leveraging this cherished craft, elderly individuals in the community have taken on the mission of creating handmade beanies for vulnerable children, especially during the harsh winter months.

Educational institutions have enthusiastically joined the cause, with principals and teachers contributing to the project by creating beanies. Schools have also been encouraged to organise wool drives among learners to gather resources for the initiative.

“The support from the business sector has been commendable,” said Le Roux, noting that security companies have donated wool and extended their support to the community endeavour. Captain Le Roux has called on businesses of all sizes to participate, either by encouraging skilled staff to create and donate beanies or by contributing wool to the cause.

Since its recent launch on social media platforms, the response to the Beanie Project has exceeded all expectations, showcasing the community’s eagerness to make a meaningful difference. Numerous beanies have already been gifted, and ample wool has been distributed to eager knitters and crocheters, ensuring that every contribution counts.

Captain Le Roux expressed gratitude to everyone involved in supporting the initiative, emphasising that every act of kindness makes a significant impact.

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