Community initiative urged to tackle governance and service-delivery woes in Durban

The Bluff Ratepayers' and Residents' Association aims to address infrastructure challenges facing residents in eThekwini.

IN the face of persistent governance challenges plaguing communities in Durban and its surrounds, The Bluff Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association is spearheading a call for joint action to address these pressing issues.

Also read: Ratepayers’ associations criticise new tariff adjustments

The association, under the umbrella body of eThekwini United Ratepayers, Business and Civic Organisation (Eurbco), calls on the public to come together and contribute their skills and expertise to address the persistent infrastructure challenges within the existing municipal system for the betterment of Durban’s communities.

According to a statement, Eurbco is looking for experienced engineers and artisans to volunteer their expertise. “If you have extensive experience in major infrastructure, we invite you to help identify damaged structures and work with us to develop a comprehensive repair plan. The more volunteers we have, the greater our chances of effectively rebuilding our city.”

The association has emphasised the urgent need for proactive measures to combat the poor governance and maladministration that continues to impede service delivery at a grassroots level.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, deputy chairperson of The Bluff Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association, Allison Schoeman, stressed the necessity to mobilise retired and current experts to tackle the ongoing sewage and water crisis gripping the eThekwini Municipality. She stressed the critical need to rejuvenate the existing system, which teeters precariously on the edge of collapse and leads to frequent disruptions in essential services.

“The association is urgently seeking to stabilise and rejuvenate the current municipal system, which is teetering on the edge of complete collapse due to mismanagement. This instability is causing significant disruptions to services across Durban and its surroundings, forcing ratepayers to bear the financial burden,” said Schoeman.

She said The Bluff Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association’s proactive stance reflected the growing frustration among residents over the persistent challenges stemming from ineffective governance and inadequate service delivery.

By rallying community members and experts alike, the association aimed to catalyse meaningful change and restore vital services for all residents in eThekwini.

As the call for action gains momentum, the spotlight will remain firmly on the need for collaborative efforts to address the root causes of governance lapses and to implement sustainable solutions that will uplift communities and ensure their well-being in the long term.

Anyone who wishes to get involved can contact Allison Schoeman on 076 223 3480 or send an email to

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