7 safety tips to prevent a home invasion

Should you happen to be faced with a home invasion, Fidelity Services Group advises you to stay as calm as possible and to try to evaluate the situation.

A HOME invasion is a scary situation and one we all want to prevent. So, what’s the most effective way to not become a statistic?

Charnel Hattingh, group head of marketing and communications for Fidelity Services Group, said, “A home invasion has to be one of the most frightening situations anyone can experience. It can be even worse if you have other family members with you to worry about.”

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She said the best defence is to be prepared, and the goal for any planning measures is to deter potential intruders and minimise risks to yourself and your family. Preparation and vigilance are key to staying safe in your home.

Safety tips to prevent a home invasion:

In the unfortunate event that a criminal is able to force their way into your home, people are advised to stay as calm as possible and to try to evaluate the situation.

“Unless you feel you are facing an imminent life-or-death situation, don’t fight back. As hard as it may be, accept your situation and give your assailants time to take any material possessions they want. Speak only if spoken to, and then try to keep your answers short and to the point. Be conscious not to stare at the assailants, but try, nevertheless, to get a good look at them and memorise their physical details and clothing. Listen for any names or other details that may help identify them later,” said Hattingh.

She advised residents to speak to their families and staff about possible scenarios so they can be aware of what to do should they ever find themselves confronted with a home invasion.

“Also remember that a monitored home alarm system acts as a deterrent to most criminals and can help prevent a home invasion altogether. Casual guarding is also another option if you are having an event. Although no one wants to have to think about security when they are having fun, the reality exists that criminals are aware that functions and parties generally mean easy pickings and easy targets.

“Adding a casual guard with a panic button linked to an armed response company when you’re planning your next event is definitely a good option. Sometimes, the mere presence of a security officer is enough to deter would-be criminals,” she added.

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