Wentworth organisation launches ‘Know Your Status’ awareness campaign

During the campaign, the centre will also provide one-on-one counselling sessions to patients.

HOPING to raise awareness about HIV and encourage people to get tested, the Tabitha Community Care Services have launched their Know Your Status Campaign in Wentworth.

This comes ahead of International World AIDS Day commemorated on December 1. Since 1988, the day has been dedicated to raising awareness of the Aids Epidemic and to remember those who have died of the disease.

Also read: Get your HIV medication from post office

Lee-Sandra Boyce, the campaign team leader, said, “The campaign is aimed at raising awareness on HIV in the community, as well as to come up with strategies to help those with the disease live a healthy and fulfilling life. We will have day-to-day interaction with community members, through conducting tests, and one-on-one counselling sessions, pre- and post-testing. We will also refer those who have tested positive to the necessary places to get assistance.

“Our goal is to educate the community about the importance of knowing their status and to slay the stigma around HIV and Aids. We are currently working with other NPOs in the area,” she said.

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