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Beware of scammers, police urge elderly residents who are presently being targeted

Scammers often come up with new tactics, so staying vigilant and informed is essential to protect yourself while shopping at malls.

BRIGHTON Beach Police urge elderly persons to be vigilant to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

Captain Louise le Roux, Brighton Beach police spokesperson, said there is a new modus operandi being used by scammers to rob elderly persons at shopping facilities.

“An African female will stop an elderly person at a shopping centre or mall and point to some money rolled up in banknotes on the floor. The female will ask the elderly person if the money belongs to them, and when they say no, the female will say, ‘Okay, come with me and we split the money’. Once the elderly person goes with her, suddenly, two more females will approach them and kidnap the elderly person. The elderly person will be put in a car, then taken to withdraw money or to call their family who will be asked for a ransom,” she said.

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Le Roux said another modus operandi used by the scammers is money inside a clear plastic bag left on the ground.

“As the unsuspecting person reaches to pick up the packet, he or she will be overpowered by their assailants, who are young African females. They will then put the victim into a vehicle and rob them of their belongings,” she said.

Le Roux added that it is important to protect yourself when in a public space.

“Don’t talk to strangers. It is irrelevant whether they are women, men, young, old or your own race. Any strange person can threaten your personal safety.

“Source a ‘shopping buddy’. When you shop in pairs, you become a safety net for each other. You should also shop in the same aisles simultaneously. Upon concluding your shopping, wait for each other at the end of the cashpoint and depart the shop together, side by side.

“Furthermore, when shopping, affix a whistle to your handbag (women) or belt (men), ensuring that the string is of a sufficient length, which will enable you to pick it up and bring it to your mouth. Make short blows into your whistle as this will attract the attention of other shoppers and may result in your attackers fleeing,” she said.

Le Roux said that when placing objects in the trunk of your vehicle, you should take turns.

“While the one packs, the other person stands guard and observes their surroundings. Don’t stand and chat with each other or make telephone calls on your cellphone while packing groceries away. When entering your vehicle, immediately lock all doors and don’t wind windows down.”

Le Roux said the driver must continuously observe the rear-view mirror to monitor if their vehicle is being followed.

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“If you suspect that you are being followed, drive to the nearest public space or police station and ask for assistance. If you suspect that you are being followed within a major retail store, immediately make your way to the security officer at the main entrance. If you suspect that you are being followed upon exiting a major retail store within a mall, enter another shop and scream for help.

“It is also recommended that you load software on your mobile device that will enable your family or security company to locate you if you are a victim of a kidnapping or carjacking. It is recommended that a limit be placed on the daily cash withdrawals from your account. This can contribute to minimising your financial loss,” she said.

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