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It’s time for a ‘security spring clean’

To ensure your security system is fully functioning at all times, testing of your alarm should be done at least once a month at non-peak times.

SEPTEMBER is a time of year that marks the start of all things new. The weather is turning warmer, flowers are blooming, and the smell of spring is in the air, making it the perfect time to also do a ‘security spring clean’.

Charnel Hattingh, the group head of Marketing and Communications at Fidelity Services Group, said a security system, either at home or work, is an electronic device that can potentially be affected by any changes in weather conditions.

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“This is especially true for any aspect of the system that is located outside the building, such as outdoor CCTV cameras or motion detectors. Now is the time to see if they are still providing the kind of protection you expect.

“With life as busy as it is, it may have been some time since you last did a test. It’s quick and easy. It is particularly important to test the system if you have recently experienced any out-of-the-ordinary weather conditions, such as strong winds or heavy rains,” she said.

Hattingh said she recommends immediate action if your security company sends any kind of message about problems experienced in monitoring your security system.

“Most security companies can detect any potential problems in receiving signals from your property, and it is crucial for customers to cooperate and respond to the messages.

“Testing your alarm can be done remotely over the phone. If something out of the ordinary is noted, a technician can be dispatched to sort out the problem. Testing should be done at non-peak times at least once a month.”

Hattingh said dirt, dust and insects can also cause problems with gate motors, beams, and sensors.

“Any electronic system needs regular maintenance and testing. It may be worth walking around the house inside and out and giving everything a good wipe, including outside lights, beams and so on. The same can be done at your place of work. You may also need to take covers off to check whether there are ants, spiders and so on that need to be removed.

“A useful approach is to look at your home or business property from the outside perimeter, and ask yourself – how easy would it be to break into the building? What do you see that requires immediate attention? If you have any doubt about the effectiveness of your security system, call an accredited armed response company to send one of their technicians to help you today,” she said.

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