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What’s Cooking with Caxton – try this recipe from Mothwa Haven

While the dish reminds Mothwa Haven resident Estelle Molloy of her Afrikaans roots, it is a traditional isiZulu recipe.

MAIZE meal, beans, boerewors, samoosas and relish – these are some of the dishes served at Glenwood’s Mothwa Haven, where traditional foods are a firm favourite. In a bid to offer residents a meal they will savour, the home for the elderly has made it their mission to serve dishes that reflect the melting pot of cultures across South Africa.

“Most of our residents enjoy traditional foods, so we try to serve them once or twice a month,” said Mothwa Haven’s project manager Chad Saus.

Charity Ngcema serves a plate of boerewors and isgwaqane (beans and pap) with tomato relish.

Recently, Mothwa Haven chef Nonzwakazi Sibiya cooked up a feast of boerewors and isgwaqane (beans and pap) with spinach and tomato relish.

Resident Estelle Molloy said the meal is one she savours.

“I love this type of food. I am always asking in the kitchen if they are cooking samp and beans or pap,” said Molloy.

While the dish reminds Molloy of her Afrikaans roots, it is a traditional isiZulu recipe – the dish draws from both cultures, much like the melting pot of South Africa’s rainbow nation.

Teresa Ngcobo serves a side dish of isgwaqane (beans and pap) with spinach.

“My culture is Afrikaans – I used to eat a lot of pap growing up. We eat krummelpap (stiff pap) or pap and sauce with a braai. This pap-and-bean dish is delicious,” said Molloy.

Sibiya’s Isgwaqane Recipe

2 cups sugar beans
1 cup maize meal
1 onion
oil for frying

Isgwaqane (beans and pap) with spinach.

Boil beans until soft and set aside. Do not drain off the cooking water. Dice and fry one onion and add it to the beans. Add half a cup of maize meal to the sugar beans pot and cook until firm. The maize will cook in the bean water, which adds a delicious flavour to the dish.

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