Baby Bump Blues: Eish! Big brother gets cold feet

Njabulo Gumede (14) looks forward to welcome his little sibling. In this feature, we also share a checklist for the first trimester of pregnancy.

BEING an only child has its perks but to tell the truth, deep down I have always dreamt of having a younger sibling, a little brother to be exact, as I am surrounded by girls in my mother’s side of the family.

Most of my cousins have siblings and sometimes I felt left out- the odd one out. When I turned 10, that dream slowly faded away and I accepted that it would never happen.

ALSO READ: Baby Bump Blues: Oh my! A 14-year-age gap

Earlier this year, Sane (my mom) called me to her bedroom around 19:00 at night and broke the news to me.

To be quite honest I didn’t believe her because my mom likes joking around, I just laughed at her and said, wow, this time you have outdone yourself, that is the joke of the year.

She called my dad, even then I did not believe her, I thought to myself if it was true, my grandmother will be the first person she would tell. I started believing it when her stomach got a little bigger.

I was and I am so happy at the fact that I’ll be having a little brother or sister in a few months time but also a bit stressed, it seems like a lot of work, I will soon have a huge pile of responsibilities coming my way.

But regardless of the responsibilities coming my way I’m still very excited.

Good to know:
In the first trimester, or the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, a lot happens. Most significantly, you learn that you’re expecting a baby Click here to read: Checklist for the first trimester of pregnancy  

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