Bluff bodybuilder scoops bikini fitness title

Elsa de Sousa Branco is proud of her achievements and reaching her fitness journey goals for the year.

PUSHING her body to the limits while chiselling it to perfection, is what drives Elsa de Sousa Branco, who participated in the Arnolds Africa Bodybuilding and Fitness competition on Sunday, November 21.
The Bluff resident had a tough lineup of 16 seasoned competitive women bodybuilders and was proudly placed second in the Master’s Fitness Bikini category.

The Arnold Sports Festival hosts multi-sport festivals on six continents each year, including the Arnold Classic Africa, which take place in Johannesburg.

Bluff bodybuilder, Elsa de Sousa Branco.

All events feature professional bodybuilding and related contests, amateur bodybuilding, strength and combat sports, a large health and fitness expo and youth events that vary from continent to continent.

Elsa also recently participated in the International Federation of Body Bodybuilding Sunfest Durban Fitness Classic at the MTSS Hall in Merewent on Saturday, December 4. She was placed first in the Fitness Bikini under 166cm and Masters Category. She also won the Bikini Fitness Overall.

She said she was proud of her achievements and reaching her fitness journey goals with the guidance of an experienced Sport and Lifestyle Nutrition coach, Soren Gibbons. 

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