Tafta CEO earns her spot in KZN’s top 30 Women in Business

Following her nomination by her team, Shamam participated in a series of webinars aimed at inspiring women to achieve their personal, career and business goals.

FROM serving as a passionate social worker to standing at the helm of the Association for the Aged (Tafta)’s, Femada Shamam has played an instrumental part in changing the lives of the elderly for 22 years.

Honoured at the Standard Bank KwaZulu-Natal Top Woman in Business Awards, The Association for the Aged (Tafta)’s CEO was one of only 30 women hailed for their contribution to the industry at the prestigious event held recently.

The gala event celebrated Shamam and 29 other women as the most industrious and enterprising female entrepreneurs, employees and social change agents in the province.

ALSO READ: Donate towards Tafta’s Christmas lunches

Shamam began her career at Tafta as a newly qualified social worker. Today she represents the organisation on various local, national and international platforms.

She also lobbies and advocates for the rights of older people in her capacity as the Africa Ambassador to the Commonwealth Association for the Ageing.


“I don’t believe that what I do is extraordinary. But what I do believe, is that giving 100% of myself in my initiative to lead my team with passion will give effect to Tafta’s purpose, which is to bring dignity, growth and meaningful life to all older people. If we are able to do that, I think we will then truly live in a wonderful world. When I get into a lift with an older person, and they talk about how their lives are better because of Tafta’s intervention, that for me is extraordinary,” she said.

Following her nomination by her team, Shamam participated in a series of webinars aimed at inspiring women to achieve their personal, career and business goals.

In her encouragement to women is to remain true to themselves and that starting small will open opportunities.

“Never be afraid to learn or seek advice, as there will be times when you fail. When you do; fail fast, and move on to the next thing. I firmly believe that it is in our failures that we learn our greatest lesson. Remember to forgive yourself. You will make mistakes, don’t dwell on them. We are here for a short moment in time, and we can’t waste our energies on things that we can’t control. Live in the moment; do the best that you can because the only control that you have is over your own actions,” she said.  



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