Cuttings Beach polluting culprit wanted

SDCEA personnel, Bongani Mthembu, and Desmond D’sa took samples at the scene for testing.

THE South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) is hot on the heels of a culprit who released a contaminant through the Stanvac Canal at Cuttings Beach in Merebank on Tuesday, September 7.

Fishermen were the first to notice the polluted water running into the beach and prompted the environmental group to investigate.

They complained about a bad odour with diesel or petrol-like smell, which SDCEA speculates to be chemicals.

The footage, images as well as samples were taken on the day and tests are currently underway.

In a joint statement, SDCEA personnel, Bongani Mthembu, and Desmond D’sa, who were on scene to witness the pollution and take samples, said results would available in due course.

“These water samples will be analysed at Talbot Lab in Pietermaritzburg. We should get the results back within two weeks’ time.”

“The culprit could be Southern Waste Water Works which pumps out chemicals all over Durban. In the past, when it had rained, big chemical companies would dump their chemicals into the sea. We are not sure who the culprit is currently,” they said.

SDCEA is made up of 19 affiliate organisations and has been active since its formation in 1995.

It is a non-government organisation existing solely on finances sourced from funders and sponsors to remain totally independent.

It makes no profit and exists solely for the benefit of the people it represents. It is a vocal and vigilant group active in lobbying, reporting, and researching industrial incidents and accidents in this area.

If you have information related to the pollution on Cuttings Beach, call Bongani on 031 461 1991 or send an email to

Useful numbers to report to:

Air pollution: 031 311 3555/5150 (office hours)

Air pollution: 031 361 0000 (after hours)

Water pollution: 031 311 5991/8

Illegal dumping: 031 303 1665

Emergency services: 031 361 000

Industry complaints line:

Engen: 080 033 0099

Sapref: 080 033 0090 or 031 480 1303

IOP: 031 461 8680

FFS: 031 465 1466

HOSAF: 031 450 4111 or 082 892 8436

Transnet: 031 361 8406/8045 or 060 588 6057 or 083 700 4085


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