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Wildlife in abundance at next nature walk

Wildlife in abundance...

A guided nature walk takes place at Stainbank Nature Reserve on Saturday, 9 November.

The walk is themed ‘walk on the wildside’. It is still Spring so there will be many new nature calls to be heard as you walk in parts of the Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve. Come along and enjoy the sounds of nature while out in the fresh air.

The walk starts at 7.30am from the main parking area. You will be directed to the start from the front entrance gate when you arrive. More information on events and photos of previous walks can been seen on the Kenneth Stainbank honorary officer group’s Facebook page.

Entry fee is R40 per walker and children under 12 pay R20. Contact Shanil Balgobind on 072-476-5817 for further information.

The club’s annual carols at Coedmore Castle is held on Saturday, 14 December.

Monthly walks will alternate between a themed walk one month and a two to two and a half hour hike the next month.


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