IN PICTURES: Bakery gives free cupcakes to raise breast cancer awareness

Las Lappie provided a generous donation of cupcakes, lamingtons and milk tarts to hand out to the public during the awareness initiative.

A SWEET treat to breast cancer awareness was what bakery, Las Lappie, gave shoppers at Bluff Towers Mall on Friday, 18 October. Free cupcakes and pink ribbons brightened the day for some while it made others very emotional as they were either personally or knew of someone who is affected by the various types of cancers.

“Reaching those affected by cancer was my dream. I, therefore, asked the bakers of Las Lappie to do a generous donation of cupcakes, lamingtons and milk tarts to hand out to the public to increase the awareness of breast cancer. Thank you to the staff Susan Mostert, Gerda Louw and Annatjie Wessels for their input,” said owner, Marie Breedt.

October is breast cancer awareness month and males and females are encouraged to get screened as early detection can prevent the spread of cancer.


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