Bluebottles: Mysterious ocean dwellers

Learn more about these little blue bubbles and what to do when stung by one.

BLUEBOTTLES are a curse to sea-loving residents of coastal towns.

The bubble-looking animals wash up on beaches and at some point, everyone has experienced the fiery sting, but few know more about the mystical creatures they really are.

Bluebottles are siphonophores, an odd group of colonial jellyfish. Rather than being a single organism like the jellyfish, these are actually made up of several colony members called persons. These members include feeding persons, reproductive persons and stinging persons.

Like the bluebottle, some siphonophores also have a gas-filled bladder (another person), this is the ‘bubble’ we recognise bluebottles by. Together this colony contains male and female parts so are able to reproduce asexually, meaning the bluebottle makes clones of itself.

Siphonophores are the most poorly studied of all jellyfish, which are in turn among the most poorly studied of all invertebrates. In fact, evolutionary biologists have been mystified by the ocean dwellers. It has been debated as to whether they are an individual or a colony.

The Bluebottles that often wash up on South Coast shores
Photo: Marius Calitz

Like a colony, they share resources, but like an individual they cannot survive if separated. The collective noun for the creatures, is a ‘flotilla’ of bluebottles.

Bluebottles are not ambidextrous, this means that some are left-handed and others are right-handed. These creatures are drifting along on the wind, but their direction is not determined by wind alone.

A left-sided bluebottle drifts rightward from the direction the wind blows and a right-sided one drifts leftward. This explains the even distribution of these animals throughout the oceans.

“Blue bottles do not seek out humans as prey but if we happen to be in the water at the same time as them and we come into contact with one of their tentacles, it will trigger a reflex release of nematocysts (stinging cells),” explains marine biologist, Ann Kunz, of the South African Association for Marine Biological Research.

If a bluebottle feels threatened, it is able to deflate its ‘bubble’ and go into a submarine mode for a while. Their sting is different to that of a jellyfish, so while a jelly’s sting can be treated with vinegar, this is not ideal for a bluebottle’s and it can actually cause more discomfort.

The Blue Sea Slug, a predator that feeds off the stinging proteins (tentacles) of the Bluebottle.

Another mystical-looking sea creature, the blue sea slug actually feeds off the stinging part of a bluebottle. This dragon-looking animal then stores the stinging proteins and uses the substance to protect itself against predators.

What to do when stung by a blue bottle

When suffering from the whip-like sting, try these remedies:

The fleshy dune plant that serves as a soothing remedy for the stings.
The fleshy dune plant that serves as a soothing remedy for the stings.


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