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Outsmart pickpocketers and protect your possessions

Avoid being pickpocketed with these tips.

Some of us are still fresh from payday fever, that means we are still hitting the shops, shopping up a storm. It also means you are being watched by criminals who are also in the shopping mood.


Every day, you hear about a person’s wallet or phone disappearing out of their bags while they are shopping. Avoid being pickpocketed with these tips:

  1. Stay alert of your surroundings: Notice the people around you and those who are close to you. Pickpockets use the tactic of distraction to slip their fingers in your bag.  Pay attention to every bump or ‘sorry’ coming your way.
  2. Keep your bag or purse closed at all times: Don’t make it easy for criminals to have an opportunity to see what is inside your bag.
  3.  Always keep the side of the bag you open from in eye’s view: Try not to leave your zips visible to the public eye. Turn your bag around so the back of it is facing outward.
  4. Be discreet: When paying for your items have the cash or card ready in your hand. Prevent prying eyes see your purse or wallet filled with cards and cash.
  5. Be aware and focus: Some pickpocketers might try talk to you in a shop while their partner in crime does their business. Don’t stop. Keep moving and pull your bag closer to your chest. Take note of who is behind you.

WATCH: Test your brain and see what the pickpocketer steals


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