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Safety tips: What to do if caught up in a protest

Arrive Alive has provided tips to keep yourself safe during protests.

Almost every day we hear about a protest in Durban which affects motorists and commuters travelling to work.

Sometimes we miss the warnings on the radio or TV and, unknowingly drive into some trouble. So what do you do?

According to Arrive Alive if you are in a situation stay alert, and check around for alternative routes.

• Stay in your vehicle as long as possible. Make sure your windows are closed and doors locked
• Unbuckle your seat belt, and those of any passengers, to be prepared to exit your car quickly.

• Keep your car moving as much as possible, while checking for possible escape routes.
• Do not harm any protesters with your vehicle as this may turn the mob against you.
• Do not taunt the protesters by shouting, gesticulating or hooting at them.
• Remain as calm as possible to ensure you are aware of what is going on around you.

• Seek assistance or safety from the police as quickly as you can. If you do not see the police, call them.
• Obey police instructions.

• Leave your car only if the situation becomes life-threatening and get out of the area on foot. Your life is more valuable than your possessions.

• Once safe (with or without your vehicle) contact family or friends to let them know where you are, and what is happening.

Read more onArrive Alive

In future, it is advised that you keep an ear and eye open on media for any protest information and plan your alternate routes.


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