In case of emergency [PHONE NUMBERS]

SAPS 10111

For power outages, downed electricity poles and cables, or any disaster situation, contact the Emergency Services Call Centre on 031-361-0000

Advertising and signage 031-311-7055

Aids helpline 080-001-2322

Air pollution 031-311-3122 or 031-361-0000

Ambulance (private) 084 124 or 082-911

Ambulance (public) 101-77

Cable theft 031-311-9611

Development planning 031-311-7883

Development management 031-311-7881

Electricity services (including streetlights and robots) 080-131-3111

Emergency services 031-361-0000

Environment 031-311-7875

Engineering service (metro police, fire, disaster management) 080-131-3013

eThekweni revenue 031-328-1200

Health 031-311-3555

Illegal dumping 0313031665 or 031-311-8804

Ombudperson 080-020-2020

Parks, leisure and cemeteries 031-322-4000 or 031-361-0000

Refuse removal 031-311-8804

Regional centre (Sizakala) 080-033-1011 or 031-311-1111

SAPS 10111


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