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How to handle social media trolls

A troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community.

If you are active on social media, you’re bound to come across a troll. There’s no getting away from them. They’re out there, lurking behind their keyboards and waiting for an opportunity to drag down your amazing work with their relentless negativity.

Trolls post deliberately provocative messages with the sole intent of upsetting people. Trolls are not the only people who might attempt to publicly shame you on social media. Legitimately disgruntled people often air their frustrations online for all the world to see

Here are some tips to help deal with trolls.



Don’t feed the trolls

The simplest and most direct way to destroy trolls’ power, is to ignore their hateful comments and refuse to engage with their negativity. Trolls feed on attention. Your frustration and anger is their goal. When you indignantly reply to an ugly comment, you’re giving them exactly what they want.

Your anger at injustice and desire to prove your point will tempt you to argue with them but remember: trolls aren’t interested in productive dialogue. They will twist your words, accuse you, and make non-factual statements—they will not concede.

(Image: gnora.com)


Champion a supportive community

Say you’re reading a friend’s online post and you see that someone has left a nasty comment.

Instead of engaging directly with the troll (giving them the power and attention they want), respond with a positive comment for your friend. Let your friend know how much you enjoyed their post and that you appreciate her sharing it.


Provide the facts

Trolls frequently spout misinformation, propping up their arguments with factually inaccurate assertions. This can confuse other readers and make a troll’s argument sound credible to those who don’t know the truth.

If you see a troll making inaccurate statements, on your own social media post or someone else’s, share some primary sources that refute their arguments and back up the facts.


Respond with humour or kindness 

Trolls only have as much power as you allow them to have. You can disarm their attack by showing them just how little you take their hateful words seriously. Respond to them with a witty retort or thank them for their comment.


Report harassment 

If someone is making you uncomfortable or even threatening you on social media, don’t hesitate to report them. Social media allows you to file complaints about abusive behaviour. Many platforms also have a “block” or “ignore” feature you can use to stop receiving the bully’s harassment.


Repair the relationship

Sometimes the people who argue with us on the Internet aren’t vicious strangers—they’re friends and family. If you and your uncle are duking it out on a Facebook thread, maybe take a moment to pause and consider how much you value the relationship.

If this is a person you don’t agree with, but you still want to have an amicable relationship with, consider sending them a private message or ask if they’re open to a phone call to work things out.


Practice self-care

Dealing with negativity can be exhausting and discouraging, so remember to take care of yourself. If a rude comment really got to you, call a trusted friend to vent and get perspective. Be secure in your value, focus on the positives, and let the negatives fade into the background.


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