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Happiness is contagious, cheer up the lonely

Share a hug or a joke, you will be amazed at what a simple gesture can do.

IT doesn’t tale a lot to make someone’s life better. If a single smile can change a person’s day then do it today, help eaach other cheer up the lonely today.

That is what Francis Pesek of Detroit, Michigan thought when  the idea came to him as a way of promoting kindness toward others who were lonely or forgotten as shut-ins  or in nursing homes.

Why not do something nice every day and make someone feel loved. In this world obsessed with violence and anger, it is refreshing to see a smile or hear a simple “Hi, how are you?”. You never know what the next person is going through.

Even if you personally don’t like it, share a hug or a joke. You will be amazed at what a simple gesture can do. Happiness is contagious, so spread it!


Sometimes lonely people feel invisible as life is too busy to notice them. If you know someone who doesn’t have friends, sit down with them and have a chat.

As Mandela said, “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

WATCH: Random Acts of Kindness


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