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Diary Dates – March 2019

What to do and where to go this March


TUESDAY, 5 MARCH: Stainbank Women’s Institute meets at Woodlands Bowling Club at 9.30am. The WI hopes to see many members enter the February competitions, which are now March competitions.

TUESDAY, 5 MARCH: Montwood Senior Citizens Care Centre hosts a social meeting every Tuesday from 9am to noon at 199 Kenyon Howden Road in Tray Bang hall. A two-course lunch and refreshments are available for R25. Bingo takes place on the last Tuesday of each month. All seniors over 55 are welcome to join.

SATURDAY, 9 MARCH: Yellowwood Park Sports Club hosts a park fest with live music, craft market, beer garden, children’s zone and loads more for the whole family to enjoy on the sports club field from 11am to 5pm. All are welcome. Call Nadene on 083-294-0373 for more information.

SATURDAY, 9 MARCH: Kenneth Stainbank Honorary Officer Group hosts a guided nature walk in Stainbank Nature Reserve from 7.30am. Meet in the main parking at the reserve to be directed to the start from the front entrance gate on arrival. Theme of the walk is ‘walk on the wildside’. This will be the first of the group’s medium-paced hiking walks, so there will be some hills on this two-hour guided walk (which may include a trip down to the river). Cost is R40 per walker, children under 12 years pay R20, which includes entrance fee. Call Shanil Balgobind on 072-476-5817. This year’s monthly walks will alternate with a themed walk one month and a two to two-and-a-half-hour hike the next month.

SUNDAY, 10 MARCH: Every Sunday, the Visually Impaired Bowlers Association has its weekly bowling afternoon at Berea Bowling Club in Durban from 1pm to 4pm. Blind and partially sighted people who are prepared to join this association can look forward to an afternoon of fun and fellowship playing bowls. Contact chairman Peter Lonsdale on 031-201-3347 or secretary Clifford Hole on 031-903-1134 for more information.

MONDAY, 11 MARCH: Yellowwood Conservancy meet on the second Monday of every month at 5.45pm at the boma site, Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve and have a bring and braai after the meeting. Free entrance to the reserve on that day for the meeting. All who are interested in conservation and our environment are welcome.

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