Say goodbye to nagging coughs

Lose the cough and continue the journey to good health.

The flu is biting harder this year and even after you get better the nagging cough stays behind to disrupt your everyday life.

Coughing is no fun, besides being an annoyance for yourself and those around you, it can cause your chest muscles to ache, leave you out of breath and if they are bad, it could lead to an occasional headache. provides some great tips on how to lose the cough and continue the journey to good health.

1. Stay hydrated: Drinking liquids  helps to keep mucous membranes moist.

2.Try lozenges and hot drinks: Drinking warm tea with honey can also soothe the throat.

3. Take steamy showers and use a humidifier: A hot shower can help a cough by loosening secretions in the nose and ease a cough.


WATCH: Weird home remedies to cure cold and cough

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