How to secretly nap at work

Check out these ways to secretly nap at your desk.

WE have all had those days, when we drag our tired selves to work but our heart and soul is at home under our warm blankets.

The moment we get to the office, we are plagued with hundreds of contagious yawns and droopy eyes. You are dying to sleep but in the same breathe, you don’t want to get in trouble with your boss.


But there are ways to secretly nap at your desk

1.The prayer: If you do happen to fall asleep and your boss catches you, loudly shout “And bless my boss, Amen!” Not only did you save yourself, but earned some brownie points with your employer. Watch this example below:


  2. Eyes wide shut: Glue super-realistic copies of your opened eyes onto your glasses. No-one will know the difference.

 3.On the call: If you are a professional and seasoned napper, your senses will be sharp to pick up the sounds of footsteps. When you do hear them approach, quickly grab your phone and pretend to be on a call.

4.  The seeker: Nap under you desk, it’s warm and cosy. But once someone comes shuffling by just suddenly scream: Found it!! They won’t even suspect a thing.


JUST remember! Don’t get caught but if you do, let your boss watch this:



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