Start your day with a Kiwi

You can eat or drink this delicious fruit in any form.

IT’s not a usual fruit to pack into your lunch bag but Kiwifruit are one of the healthiest fruits available at our local markets.

The little fruit is bursting with vitamin C and antioxidants that kiwis contain and can actually help treat people with asthma. One study from 2000 found that there was a beneficial effect on the lung function among those who consumed fresh fruit regularly, including kiwis.

Kiwis have plenty of fibre, which is already good for digestion. They also contain a proteolytic enzyme called actinidin that can help break down protein.  Kiwis may support immune function and reduce the likelihood of developing cold- or flu-like illnesses. They can also help manage  blood pressure and so much more.


You can eat or drink this delicious fruit in any form.

Kiwi-Strawberry Smoothie by

Blend them all up for a vitamin C boost.

Kiwi Cheesecake




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