Racism probe dogs Bluff high school

The education department said it holistically discussed and deliberated on all issues affecting the school.

GROSVENOR Girls’ High School is in the spotlight after allegations of racism resulted in a visit by both the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, TW Mchunu and KZN Education MEC, Mthandeni Dlungwana on Friday, 18 May.

Allegations were raised by parents about blatant racism being targeted at their children, mismanagement of school funds, the curriculum, corruption, inefficiencies, maladministration and issues relating to sanitary pads, which is already under investigation.

An urgent meeting set under the theme ’Operation Shonakhona Mphithikeza’ was attended by the school management team headed by the principal, district officials, circuit manager, MEC’s rapid response team and various stakeholders. The education department said it holistically discussed and deliberated on all issues affecting the school.

“After intense discussions, the MEC’s rapid response team resolved that schooling will continue as normal while the team investigates all the matters. A follow-up meeting will be convened with all stakeholders to provide proper feedback relating to all matters. We thank the community at large for their commitment and support as we are working towards resolving their concerns,” said Kwazi Mthethwa, DOE media liaison.

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“This is indeed our collective responsibility as government, communities, parents and educators to ensure our learners have access to quality education.

We will continue to bring positive change in our schooling communities because the youth is our future,” he added.

The Department of Education in KwaZulu-Natal reiterates the need for all schools to develop robust policies and codes of conduct with all relevant legislation and the Bill of Rights in mind. It is advisable for schools to put in place mechanisms to ensure no person is discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender and more. Attempts to elicit comment from the school principal and chairman of the school governing body were unsuccessful.

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