Bluff councillor’s office stripped bare by burglars – again

We also call for donations to replenish our food and clothing stock for vulnerable community members

BLUFF councillor, JP Prinsloo has not had a good start to the year after his office was stripped bare by burglars of everything from food donations meant for families in the area down to his office stationery on Monday, 8 January.
Meeting with the SUN to explain the predicament, Cllr Prinsloo revealed how this is the third time his office has been burgled in the last year.
“They only ever come when nobody is here but I am concerned for both my safety and that of my executive secretary Zoe Moore. We do not have a proper security system and after previous break-ins, when I consulted with the municipality to assist with installing security systems and assigning a security company to monitor the office, the request was rejected,” he said.
When he arrived on the morning of the latest break-in, he was shocked to find the place in such a state. Everything of importance had been stolen. “From electronic equipment, boardroom tables, cutlery, crockery, sports equipment assigned to our sports clubs and even food and clothes collected for vulnerable community members – it was all taken.

READ: Councillor office needs furnishings

I am now forced to ask the community and any security companies to help us and offer their services to ensure this doesn’t happen again, as it severely affects our effort to improve the lives of Bluff residents. We also call for donations to replenish our food and clothing stock for vulnerable community members,” he added.
The councillor said so far the Bluff has proved to be a giving community and he thanked the public for their efforts. If anyone could provide the office with a boardroom table, it would be helpful. “They took our table at which we have meetings. They would’ve taken the printer as well if it weren’t so heavy,” he said.
If anyone can assist, call Cllr Prinsloo on 083-406-2525 or email

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