Weather warning: Strong winds and cold front expected in Durban

The strong winds are expected to affect Durban’s coastline today, 15 January ahead of an approaching cold front.

WARNINGS of strong south westerly winds have been issued by the South African Weather Service which will affect Durban’s coastline today, 15 January ahead of an approaching cold front. The predictions are of wind speeds up to 65kms (40knots) per hour.

In addition, a second advisory has been issued for storm activity predicted for the west of the KwaZulu-Natal Province this afternoon.

Residents should be aware of sudden cross winds if travelling, especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines and flying debris. Do not start open fires.

READ: 5 Wet weather driving mistakes to avoid

Residents of informal settlements are reminded to apply fire safety precautions as accidental fires can spread rapidly and affect many households. Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.

Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured. Stay tuned to the radio and TV for any further warnings.

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