Tropical food forest talk to inspire gardeners

Frank will lead tours around the garden starting at 9am and 11am respectively (reserve tour 2pm).

Botanical Society of South Africa (BOTSOC) presents tours of a tropical food forest in Musgrave on Saturday, 18 November.

‘Common sense sustainability is fun!’ is Frank Edwards’ motto, and Frank who is from a local nursery, has had great fun turning his own property and adjacent servitude into a demonstration food and indigenous forest using permaculture principles.

An Earthship flatlet is built from mud on the property, using glass and plastic bottles. Frank will show his water harvesting scheme, earthworm farming, hens Jane and Margaret in their chicken tractor, double-reach veggie and propagation beds, and tranquil natural pool. Frank’s humour and creativity add delightful touches to this unconventional garden.

His audience will be inspired to try some of these ideas at home.

Frank will lead tours around the garden starting at 9am and 11am respectively (reserve tour 2pm). Booking and pre-payment are essential: BotSoc members pay R55; non-members R65; children under 12 R35. The cost includes tea and cake. Proceeds to BotSoc branch projects.

Numbers are limited to 20 people per tour.

To book, email or contact 031-201-5111 on Mondays and Thursdays from 10an until 4pm or call 071-869-3693.

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