First-ever tie for Bluff women’s fours

On Sunday, 12 November is the Diving Bell any pairs at 9am if you would like to enter a side contact Dudley.

THE Bluff annual women’s fours tournament was held at Bluff Bowling Club (BBC) last weekend, with 24 women’s teams competing for the prizes on offer.

BBC thanks the main sponsors Diving Bell Pub and Grill and the Bluff Hearing Aid Labs for their generous sponsorships, as well as all the other sponsors that donated prizes.

As a result of the generous sponsorships, all 96 women walked off with a prize.

For the first time in the many years that this competition has been running, there was a tie for first place, with both teams being from BBC. June Foster, Elize Stapelberg, Phyllis Maritz and Ronel Morel tied with Janice Rodgers, Wendy Fleetwood, Dawn Spack and Paula Osman. In third place were Joyce Howard and her team from Collegians. The much sought after monkey prize was won Cheryl Martin and her team from Stella Park.

Friday night’s three fundraising activities were all carry-overs and the joker draw is now close to R6,000, so it is worthwhile to be at the club to win it.

On Sunday, 12 November the Diving Bell any pairs takes place at 9am. To enter a side, contact Dudley.

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