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13 ways to combat rising car theft on the Bluff

Theft from and of motor vehicles take place in and outside of premises. To minimise the risk from and of theft, Capt Le Roux has compiled a list of tips.

Brighton Beach police spokesman Captain Louise Le Roux says the motoring public needs to do all they can to safeguard themselves against theft of and out of vehicles.
“These crimes are not restricted to a specific area, and therefore affected areas include residential, business and industrial sector and places of public interest,” added Capt Le Roux.
Theft from and of motor vehicles take place in and outside of premises. To minimise the risk from and of theft, Capt Le Roux has compiled a list of tips.

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* When locking your vehicle, check the door handle to ensure it is locked securely. When activating your car’s alarm system with your remote, face the vehicle. Ensure you hear the doors lock and see the indicator light flash. Wait for 30 second before you walk off to ensure your locking device is not deactivated.
* Always lock all vehicle doors when parked, even when parking behind security gates and inside your garage.
* Never leave your car running while it is unattended.
* Do not leave your car keys or the spare set lying on tables near windows or hanging on key racks. Place keys in a drawer that cannot be reached through a window.
* Always park in high-traffic areas, rather than in isolated areas. Opt for a well-lit area, preferably under street lamps.
* When parking your vehicle, park facing an obstacle. Turn the wheels towards the kerb and lock the steering.
* By installing a starter-interrupt or ‘kill’ switch, you can disable your vehicle if it has been stolen.
* Invest in a vehicle theft tracking and alarm system which can assist police to track your vehicle if it is stolen.
* Installing a mechanical device that locks the steering wheel, column, or brakes (clubs/collars/J-bars) to minimise the chance of your vehicle being stolen, as these security features delay the car thieves.
* Never leave personal identification documents, vehicle ownership title or credit cards in your vehicle.
* Your vehicle identification number (VIN) should be etched onto windows, doors, fenders and trunk lid, to make it difficult for a thief to sell your stolen car parts.
* Record your license plate and vehicle information (VIN) numbers and keep them with you. If your vehicle is stolen, the police will need this information to circulate the details of your vehicle.
* Do not leave valuables in plain sight. Lock them away in the boot of the car. Do not travel with valuables left visible on passenger seats or the floor.

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