YWPWI learns about Ethembeni safe haven

Ethembeni is a safety haven for women who need help and assistance with problems like alcohol or drug abuse.

YELLOWWOOD Park Women’s Institute (WI) president Sharon Quail opened the meeting with the WI prayer and welcomed all members and returning members from their holidays.

Many thanks to the tea members.

The secretary read out the minutes and finance and the institute is happily solvent. Fortunately the sales table is very successful every month. Keep up the good work.

Unfortunately YWPWI will be losing one of its long-standing members, Norma Chaplin is relocating from the area. Best wishes Norma, YWPWI hopes to see you soon.

It was then time for the speaker of the evening from Ethembeni. Ethembeni is a safe haven for women who need help and assistance with problems like alcohol or drug abuse and who cannot cope on their own. At Ethembeni they receive accommodation, assistance and rehabilitation. It is important that patients enter the centre of their own free will as they will be taught how to cope and go on to lead successful lives. There is a small charge as the centre is not government-funded in any way and they always need donations of toiletries and food as the patients’ appetites increase as they come off the substance they have used.

There will soon be an open day where one can experience the amazing work these volunteers do to assist the community. YWPWI was able to assist with three bags full of toiletries for the patients.

Thank you to the members who did duty at Botanic Gardens and to those who did Meals on Wheels, especially to new member Crystal and many thanks to Wendy Henderson for her nearly 50 years of doing Meals on Wheels. The competitions for next month were all read out. If anyone has a problem, chat with judge Linda Melson. She also gave some good advice for those who are entering the Congress competitions. It is hoped that many of the members will enter. Keep her advice in mind. Thank you to Linda for agreeing to be the delegate.

Then it was time for Vanessa Wilesmith to read a great story about being South African. What was said was so true. The raffles were done and the important competition results were read out by vice president Robyn Murray. The president closed the meeting with the prayer and a wish to go well, take care and above all stay safe.

Competition results: Best bloom: First Gerda Vlljoen, Sharon Quail, second Marsha Hart and Wendy Henderson. Agri and Horti: First Jan Kirk, second Jackie Michel and Deleen Loker. Craft: First Jen Leefling, Alida Pegram, Gerda Viljoen, second Deleen Loker, third Jan Kirk.

Floral: First Marsha Hart, second Jen Leefling and Wendy Henderson, third Deleen Loker.

Adult ed: First Jen Leefling, Joan Prenger, Jackie Michel, second Marsha Hart, third Sharon Quail, Alida Pegram, Vanessa Wilesmith, Wendy Henderson, Daleen Loker and Shelia Pholgene. Handicraft: First Gerda Viljoen, Bev Holthausen, second Wendy Henderson, third Jean Ball. Homemaking: First Jen Leefling, second Gerda Viljoen, Angie Michel, third Noleen Smith and Deleen Loker. Merit: First Linda Hewer, second Gerda Viljoen, Shelia Pholgene, third Marsha Hart.

Thank you to the judge and all who enter every month. Keep the Congress competition in mind.


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